He Is Risen Rocks Tell the Story of Easter

Author: Patti Rokus
Author Website: https://rockstellstories.com/Illustrator: Patti Rokus
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 9780310764861
Word Count: 183
Published: 2019
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This story is perfect for ages: All Ages
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Straight from Aunty LuLav
Palm Sunday. Jesus rides into the city of Jerusalem on a donkey’s colt. The people shout praises and lay their coats on the road before Him. Waving palm branches they shout,
“Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord.”
Offended. The religious leaders tell Jesus to rebuke the people. They advise him NOT to accept the proclamation of Coming King, but Jesus sets it straight –
“I tell you that if these should keep silent,
the STONES would immediately cry out!” – Jesus
Luke 19:40 NKJV vs 28-40
This is the story of Easter Week, simply told, yet profound.
When I first ordered He Is Risen, my expectation was a bit low. Even though, I am a total rock lover, (I have rocks all over my house from all over the world), I thought, “Oh how cute and creative to ‘do’ the pictures with stones.”
But this book is not just cute & creative, it is spiritually moving,
able to bring you to tears.
Scriptural Underpinnings & Positive Themes
Patti Rokus begins with John 3:16 and a stunning thought,
Jesus loves me.
On this page you get your first taste of the moving stone portrayals,
a child being embraced by Jesus!
The scripture tells the story of the stone scene on every page. The simple text explains the message of Holy Week – that Jesus came to die for our sins and to lead us back home to God.
Rokus ties love and the blessing of freedom from sin and sorrows, to the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The last page challenges us to respond to the sacrifice and love of Jesus, showing Him we love Him too!
Breathtaking. Each stone and pebble portrayal seems alive! The images are printed on black pages, truly highlighting each scene with the stark contrast.
The funny thing about stones and pebbles is that everyone loves them, adult and child alike! We ALL have picked up favorites from along the paths of life, that look like a certain shape or remind us of something or have a fine texture. Thus these pictures call to the heart of the child within all of us.
Rokus uses various sizes of stones to show depth and perspective. The natural color tones of the stones create texture and interest. You will find HEART ROCKS scattered throughout each picture.
I LOVE every stone portrayal in this book! Not a one disappoints!
BUT Some of my favorites are on page 2-3 – when all the children are running to be touched by Jesus.
The grumbling angry Pharisees on page 8 are VERY MAD!
The betrayal by Judas on Page 9 really captures Jesus’ sadness on a personal level.
Gethsemane on page 15 profoundly shows the crushing agony of our sin bearing down on Jesus
The Crucifixion page 17 portrays a broken heart on Jesus’ chest.
The Ascension and promise of the Second Coming – Page 25-26 and MORE!
I love the last 2 pages of the books where we are challenged to GO and SHOW our LOVE for JESUS!
Extra, Extra
Patti Rokus published the Christmas story as well, "A Savior is Born." 2018
The End of the Matter
5/5 wavesCan I say, “I LOVE this book?”
Can I say, “I Love, Love, Love, Love, Love this book?”
OK – I said it!
Yes – This is Absolutely an Aunty Lulav Favorite!
I am waving 2 Lulavs in each hand!
Hallelujah! Jesus loves me!