• Book

    The Prisoners, the Earthquake, and the Midnight Song

    Wait!Do you hear it? A sound is breaking forth from the deepest prison cell! It is the sound of prayer and worshiping Jesus! The story of Paul and Silas in prison – Acts 16 – is retold through the lens of evangelism.

  • Aunty Lulav Favorites,  Book

    Our Tree Named Steve

    This is the story of a tree named Steve and his loving family. They grow side-by-side, enjoying the ups and downs of life together. Steve was a swing-holder, hiding place, and third base. He held the laundry and chubby Uncle Chester in the hammock. Steve was there for it all, until one morning, after a storm, Steve was broken in half and had to be cut down. Only his stump remained. This is a story of joy and a story of loss. It is a story of love and a story of family. Ultimately, it is a story of hope in remembering those we lose with happiness.

  • Aunty Lulav Favorites,  Book

    Goodbye to Goodbyes

    Goodbyes are NEVER easy, Forever Goodbyes, IMPOSSIBLE. But Someone came to make a Way to say Goodbye to Goodbyes forever! In this incredible retelling of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11), we learn, that for Believers, Goodbye isn’t forever. Goodbye to Goodbyes weaves together the resurrection of Lazarus and the Resurrection of Jesus showing that death for a Believer, is just a temporary goodbye. We see the hope of Heaven and that Jesus truly is the Resurrection and the Life! This book is a gift to the body of Christ, to gently, lovingly teach our children, that in Jesus, lies the promise of resurrection and eternal life. HALLELUJAH!…

  • Aunty Lulav Favorites,  Book

    The Friend Who Forgives

    Many of us, identify with the failings of Peter, boisterous and headstrong, speaking before thinking, – a bull in the china shop. Yet, when we face our sin, fear convinces us to withdraw and not allow the love and forgiveness of Jesus to wash over us. Are we worthy of forgiveness? Does Jesus still love us? We are afraid of the answer. The Friend Who Forgives provides us wonderful assurance through the life of Peter. Within it’s pages, we discover the power of Jesus’ love, the power of repentance, and the power of FORGIVENESS for all who trust in Him. The Friend Who Forgives follows Peter’s life from the time…

  • Book

    Holy Week

    Holy Week is a beautifully illustrated board book covering the days and events of Holy Week. The book is intended to be a primer to teach emotions, and ties each event, to the prevailing emotion felt by the characters at that moment. Holy Week starts with the Triumphal Entry and ends with Jesus and the disciples in the Upper Room. Danielle Hitchen includes scripture for each scene staying true to the Biblical account.