and then it’s spring
If you love books celebrating the seasons of the earth, this one is for you. The text is simple, gentle, and unassuming, just like this special time of year. A little boy, with his pets, the dog, the bunny and the turtle, plant seeds in the earth in the “brown” of late Winter. They patiently wait for rain and signs of growth and the “green” of Spring to arrive. The precious seeds hit some bumps in the road, as the groggy bears stomp them, and the songbirds feast on them, but eventually the miracle of growth materializes and Spring arrives in all of its “greenness.”
He Is Risen
Palm Sunday. Jesus rides into the city of Jerusalem on a donkey’s colt. The people shout praises and lay their coats on the road before Him. Waving palm branches they shout, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord.” Offended. The religious leaders tell Jesus to rebuke the people. They advise him NOT to accept the proclamation of Coming King, but Jesus sets it straight – “I tell you that if these should keep silent, the STONES would immediately cry out!” – Jesus Luke 19:40 NKJV vs 28-40 In this BEAUTIFUL Book – The STONES CRY OUT! This is the story of Easter Week, simply told,…
You Choose
And God Said . . . . . . . “Let There Be Light” And there was light. WORDS left the lips of the Living God. Released into the atmosphere, they created reality. LIGHT! Proverb 18:21 says the “Power of Life and Death is in the Tongue.” WORDS we release with our mouth, have the power to CREATE LIFE or DEATH. As Parents, Grandparents, Aunties, Uncles, Educators, and Friends, our SPOKEN WORDS bear fruit in the lives of our children. We can speak words of praise or criticism. Instruction or anger. Gentleness or aggression. Our choice of words is the message we send to their heart. Life or Death.…
The Beginning!
It’s the Beginning! The BIG BEGINNING! Well not THE Big Beginning . . . That one Began with – AND GOD SAID . . . – This is the Beginning of AuntyLulav.com It’s the Beginning of Aunty Lulav speaking words out there for all to hear; offering reviews of excellent children’s books for families who are searching. I rejoice at this my small beginning! Funny how Beginnings always begin with WORDS. Words! God started a lot with His Words . . . He created Beauty, Light and Life! That is my hope for my words, the words of Aunty Lulav. These words are from my heart to yours. I hope…