Our Tree Named Steve
This is the story of a tree named Steve and his loving family. They grow side-by-side, enjoying the ups and downs of life together. Steve was a swing-holder, hiding place, and third base. He held the laundry and chubby Uncle Chester in the hammock. Steve was there for it all, until one morning, after a storm, Steve was broken in half and had to be cut down. Only his stump remained. This is a story of joy and a story of loss. It is a story of love and a story of family. Ultimately, it is a story of hope in remembering those we lose with happiness.
Mrs. Huggins and Her Hen Hannah
Mrs. Huggins and Hannah the Hen are best friends who do everything together. Living in a cottage, they farm together, clean, bake, shop and enjoy a warm fire each evening. One day, Hannah becomes ill and Mrs. Huggins can not nurse her back to health. Hannah dies and Mrs Huggins mourns deeply. Then one morning, Mrs Huggins hears a tiny surprise in Hannah’s nest, a hatching egg, a tiny chick!