I want to encourage all my Mommas out there! You have a lovely voice! Now – all of us may not be singers, in the formal sense. Some of us may only sing in the shower or while driving the car. But I want you to know that your voice is precious. Your voice is INDISPENSABLE. Indispensable. What a strange way to describe a voice. Nonetheless, it is true. THE FIRSTYou see, your voice, was the very first sound that your child ever heard. Your voice, your tone, your words, your melody reverberated through the waters and your tiny child experienced that sound within you. Your voice bathed them for…
Edits for Life!
When writing children’s books, the first draft out onto the page is wild and romping. It’s like wild horses and raging rivers, flowing all over, moving, lyrical and singing in some areas, but clogged with log jams in others. The craft of writing comes in the edit. Rules for writing are abundant. Too many words. Remove adverbs. Too much description. No passive voice. Show don’t tell. Too black. Too white. Put the hook on the first page. Active verbs. Where’s the twist? Too much backstory . . . It can be overwhelming. The rules are GOOD when applied well. They clarify your story bringing out the very best. But if…
Wash Their Feet
We just passed through Holy week and Easter. I keep thinking about Maundy Thursday, the Last Supper – The Passover. I can imagine the overall feel in the room, a mixture of love, fear and sorrow. These moments were the last Jesus would share with His disciples, before the crucifixion. What was the Last Lesson He would teach? Before they ate the Passover dinner together, Jesus, Who was all God, yet all man, stripped Himself of His outer garments, and humbled Himself as a servant. God Himself, knelt down, to love, to sacrifice, to touch the feet of common man. This was His last lesson for us. The Western Church…
You Choose
And God Said . . . . . . . “Let There Be Light” And there was light. WORDS left the lips of the Living God. Released into the atmosphere, they created reality. LIGHT! Proverb 18:21 says the “Power of Life and Death is in the Tongue.” WORDS we release with our mouth, have the power to CREATE LIFE or DEATH. As Parents, Grandparents, Aunties, Uncles, Educators, and Friends, our SPOKEN WORDS bear fruit in the lives of our children. We can speak words of praise or criticism. Instruction or anger. Gentleness or aggression. Our choice of words is the message we send to their heart. Life or Death.…
The Beginning!
It’s the Beginning! The BIG BEGINNING! Well not THE Big Beginning . . . That one Began with – AND GOD SAID . . . – This is the Beginning of AuntyLulav.com It’s the Beginning of Aunty Lulav speaking words out there for all to hear; offering reviews of excellent children’s books for families who are searching. I rejoice at this my small beginning! Funny how Beginnings always begin with WORDS. Words! God started a lot with His Words . . . He created Beauty, Light and Life! That is my hope for my words, the words of Aunty Lulav. These words are from my heart to yours. I hope…